G'day all,
Please find below a letter we received from the Army Transport Association in regards to ANZAC Day. For all of you who can make it we will have our banner there so we will be marching behind it with the ATA. If we all meet at the Club as mentioned below at about 1000hr. we can go as a group to the form up point. If you can make it it would be great to march as a unit and a few drinks after.
Army Transport Association Inc
4 Newline Court
Loganlea Q 4131
6 Apr 2010
Please take note that due to a breakdown in communications with our previous function landlords it has become necessary for us to take the following drastic action to avoid succumbing to crippling financial hardship.
With this in mind the Committee of the ATA Inc has decided to move the ‘post Anzac Day March Function’ from Lennons as previously noted, to;
“THE CLUB” (Public Service Club), situated in Stephens Lane in the city, between George and William Streets.
The Club opens for the function at 12 noon, (but drinks are available from 1000hrs.)
Entry fee remains unchanged at $15 dollars per head to cover room hire and food.
A choice of three lunch menus is available for lunch (Meals are required to cover licensing restrictions)
Being a club, a pre requisite is that all attending members must sign in at the door.
The function is held on the first floor, lift and stair access is provided.
Smoking area is available on the ground floor.
We regret any inconvenience this change of venue may incur, but hopefully enough time is available to inform most intending attendees.
We trust you and your members will support us in this new venue.
Yours sincerely
Glen Hutley (Secretary