(From L to R: Tony Mohr, Russ Dinte, Carole Dinte, Neil Collard,Vince Robinson and Terry Byrne)

The first meeting of the reunion committee was held today (19 Oct 09). The main discussion was on the general direction the reunion is to take. A review of past reunions was carried out to try and pick the best of what has gone before.
The following responsibilities were distributed:
Chairman Terry Byrne
Treasurer Bob Hartman assistant Vince Robinson
Secretary Tony Mohr
Merchandise Russell and Coral Dinte
Events Paul Clements ( to be confirmed)
Nominal roll Neal Collard
The reunion is to be held during Oct/Nov of 2011 and is to be run through the week Monday to Friday. Firm dates to follow when they come to hand.
Terry is going to write to all members to make initial contact and to ask for any suggestions that could contribute to a successful reunion.
Suggestions can also be made through this blog.
It is the intension of the committee to update this blog as information comes to hand, so please check it out on a regular basis.